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 Degree Programs

The Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts houses two academic divisions that offer one
associate in arts program, two undergraduate programs, two graduate programs, and one postgraduate degree.
As a service unit, DSCTA provides the university with three general education subjects (taken by a majority
of the UP student population across different colleges) and major courses taken to fulfill elective units or
minor degrees by students from other departments.



Associate in Arts (Theatre)

The Associate in Arts (Theatre) program is a craft-oriented program designed to train prospective theatre practitioners in the creative industries.


Bachelor of Arts
(Speech Communication)

The BA (Speech Communication) program aims to develop knowledge and competence in understanding the study of human interaction and its use of verbal and nonverbal symbols that impact different communicative phenomena. To date, we offer two tracks: Rhetoric & Performance and Interpersonal & Instructional Communication.

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Bachelor of Arts

(Theatre Arts) 

The curriculum of the Theatre Arts undergraduate program leans towards intellectual praxes through practice-based-research and performance-led-research activities and critical interrogations of theatre and performance as socio-cultural idioms for the understanding of the self, society and culture. To date, we offer five areas of specializations: theatre and performance studies, performance, dramaturgy and directing, theatre management, technical theatre and design.



Master of Arts

(Speech Communication) 

The MA (Speech Communication) program aims to advance the field of speech communication, particularly in knowledge building and critical research. It is designed to provide graduate students and professionals a deeper understanding of the fields of Rhetoric, Performance,  Interpersonal Communication, and Instructional Communication. It was approved by the Board of Regents on November 5, 1990.

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Master of Arts in Theatre Arts

Students of the  MA in Theatre Arts program are expected to understand the self, Philippine society and culture through theatre, cultural performance, and live events;  conceptualise and design live performance events; reflect on the role of theatre and performance in world histories; and produce theoretically-informed research and creative projects in theatre and performance.

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